Terms and Conditions

Information Contained on the Website

The information contained in these websites is not binding and is provided for information purposes only. It is informative only and does not represent proposals, as described in the applicable legal regulations. For more information and contractual terms, please contact your dealer or competent representative. No contract concerning the current items may be based on the information contained in these websites. The information contained in these websites, as well as the products or services described therein, may be modified or updated by Gres Panaria Portugal, S.A. (GPP, SA) at any time, without prior notice. Except as expressly stated, the GPP, SA’s websites do not contain any guarantee or information, whether explicit or implicit, for which it may be held responsible.

GPP, SA accepts no liability for its websites. Liability for direct or indirect damages or losses, claims for damages and/or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever, suffered as a result of access to or use of the websites, in particular any contamination on your computer through viruses, are excluded.

The existence and fulfilment of obligations and GPP, SA’s responsibility for its products and services are governed on a case-by-case basis, exclusively by the respective contractual agreement in conjunction with the current version of GPP, SA’s General Conditions of Sale included in the general catalogue in force.



On 27 April 2016, the European Parliament published a new regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, called the General Data Protection Regulation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL). This Regulation came into force on 25 May 2018, repealing Directive 95/46/EC for the protection of personal data.

Gres Panaria Portugal, SA, hereinafter referred to as GPP, SA, undertakes to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and with all applicable national and European Data Protection and Privacy regulations.

GPP, SA is committed to protecting the rights, freedoms and guarantees of those visiting its websites and users of the services offered here (hereinafter referred to as Data Subjects), processing their personal data safely, in accordance with all their legal obligations.

Please read our Privacy Policy here.



GPP SA uses cookies on its websites for the purpose of improving the performance and browsing experience of those visiting its websites and users of the services offered here (hereinafter referred to as Data Subjects), increasing the speed and efficiency of response and also eliminating the need for Data Subjects to repeatedly enter the same information.


Availability of products worldwide

This website may contain information about GPP, SA products that are not yet available in your country. The presence of such information on this website does not imply GPP, SA’s intention to announce that the product will be available worldwide. Please contact your dealer or GPP, SA representative for more information about future plans for products not yet available.


Trademarks and Copyright

The trademarks and logos (trademarks) used on these websites are the property of GPP, SA. None of the information contained on these websites may be construed as granting licenses or permissions to use the trademarks. For this purpose, the express consent of GPP, SA is required. It is strictly forbidden to use these trademarks without permission. GPP, SA will enforce its intellectual property rights worldwide, in accordance with the applicable legislation in each case.


Copyright © GPP, SA. All rights reserved.